DeepSea Power & Light


Search & Rescue: A Short Case Study on the SeaKing Hammerhead

Search & Rescue: A Short Case Study on the SeaKing Hammerhead


Search and rescue missions are just one of many uses for Tritech's SeaKing Hammerhead and Diver Mounted Display. Tritech’s SeaKing range of mechanical imaging sonars comprises the Super SeaKing, Super SeaPrince, Micron, and SeaKing Hammerhead sonar.
Sub-Bottom Profiler

Sub-Bottom Profiler

parametricprofilerprofiling sonarSeaKingtritech

The SeaKing Parametric Sub Bottom Profiler allows you to obtain a clear picture of what lies below the seabed and this compact, low power unit, ideal for ROV and AUV use.
SeaKing Hammerhead

SeaKing Hammerhead


The SeaKing Hammerhead is at the forefront of sonar technology, offering high resolution, 360º mechanical scanning imaging.
Super SeaKing DST

Super SeaKing DST

mechanicalSeaKingsonarSuper SeaKingtritech

The Super SeaKing DST sonar is the ultimate mechanical scanning sonar. Ideal for WROV ROV and AUV installation offering 360 degree field of view.

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(858) 454-4044


7416 Cabrillo Avenue, La Jolla, CA  92037, United States