Micron Gemini
The Micron Gemini is the latest addition to Tritech’s product families and offers powerful, real-time sonar imaging in the body of a Gemini 720im.
DetailsThe Gemini 720ik is a real-time, high-frequency multibeam imaging sonar designed for real-time, shallow water operations. With Tritech’s advanced processing electronics, it delivers an impressive 97Hz update rate, producing video-like imagery of exceptional quality. The compact design, low power consumption, and Compressed High-Intensity Radar Pulse (CHIRP) processing make the Gemini 720ik ideal for applications requiring greater definition at longer ranges.
Energy Underwater Vehicles Defense Diving Marine Science & Aquaculture
The Gemini 720ik’s reduced size, lightweight construction, and reliable performance make it the perfect sonar for ROV navigation, obstacle avoidance, and target recognition, as well as diver operations. When paired with the Diver Mounted Display it also provides divers with real-time imaging in low-visibility conditions via a high-resolution diver display.
The Gemini 720ik sonar is supplied with Tritech’s Genesis software which offers users the capability to operate multiple Tritech sensors using a single software program.
Genesis v1.10.0.21 (MSI 235 MB)
Gemini Sonars Comparison (PDF 1 MB)
Gemini Pole Mount Options (PDF 628 KB)
Product Guide 2023 (PDF 3 MB)
Gemini 720ik/1200ik – 350m – No Connectors (ZIP 3 MB)
Gemini 720ik/1200ik – Inodive Mount (ZIP 3 MB)
Alternatively, the document can be accessed here: Calibration Frequency Guidance
The Micron Gemini is the latest addition to Tritech’s product families and offers powerful, real-time sonar imaging in the body of a Gemini 720im.
DetailsExplore the Gemini 1200ik, a versatile multibeam imaging sonar offering dual-frequency operation, 120° field of view, and exceptional clarity for both long-range detection and close-range inspection.
DetailsDiscover the Gemini 720is, a high-definition multibeam imaging sonar for ROVs and AUVs. Offers real-time, crisp imagery with a 120º field of view.
DetailsThe DMD system has been designed to provide divers with the ability to navigate and carry out inspections in zero visibility conditions.