Ocean Instruments operates and rents one of the few privately held IxBlue deep water sonar tow sleds.
Ultra Deep Towed Sonar System
The unique ultra deep towed side scan sonar can reach 6000m depth due to its 10km long opto-electrical deploying cable.
30kHz/ 100kHz dual frequencies. The unique highly dynamic response of the low frequency mode allows small artefact detection over an incredibly large 3000m swath. The 100kHz high resolution mode allows fine imagery coverage for target confirmation and classification
Wide scanning range and live data visualization offers an extended daily surface coverage as well as instant interpretation and processing.
Additional Sensor Packages
Equipped with a towed Seaspy magnetometer, upgraded for 6000m operations in collaboration with MacArtney. The Seaspy is a decisive detection tool allowing instant confirming imagery targets and detecting structures hidden in the nadir blind zone.
Optimal positioning accuracy
An integrated DVL aided INS navigation architecture, coupled with a long range Posidonia USBL system allows an extremely accurate positioning of the ROV at all depths.
For more information, please contact us at (858) 454-4044 or brock@o-vations.com.