Model 110
Non-metallic, free-flushing water sampler recommended for general purpose water sampling.
These samplers can be individually or serially attached on a hydrocable and activated by a messenger or placed on a rosette system and activated by remote command.
Standard Features:
The sampler has a rigid body made of gray PVC with power closure made of latex tubing or metal spring. PVC mounting blocks are glued to the body for loading on a rosette system and with clamp bolts for attachment on wire.
It comes equipped with lanyards for wire and rosette loading. Delrin drain valve and Buna O-rings are common accessories.
Model 110B
Standard A, Model 100A, is a simplified version of the original Standard, Model 110. It has the body made of PVC, with spring closure made of latex tubing activating the tow end plugs to complete the enclosure. It does not have mounting blocks or handle. It is specifically designed as an economical water sampler which can be directly attached with clamps or other means to the frame of a submersible array system.
Standard B, Model 110B, has the body of Standard A with an aluminum bracket attached with two stainless steel clamps. Also, has a handle attached for easy handling and lanyard guidance. The bracket gives a greater resistance to breakage and to artic conditions. The bracket is easily removable and interchangeable.
Model 120
A non-metallic, high-impact ABS plastic thermometer rack is attached to a pivotal PVC mounting block. The mounting block is permanently fixed on the sampler body. The rack which can hold three (3) reversing thermometers is easily removable and interchangeable.
Non-metallic, free-flushing water sampler recommended for analyzing traces of gases dissolved in water.
A polyethylene inside liner is attached at both ends to an outer rigid PVC cylindrical body. To complete the closure, two pivoting end plugs are tied together with a power cord at both ends to entrap the water sample when desired. The liner is easily replaced.
Standard ES is a version or our very popular Standard Water Sampler, similar with Niskin type.
The internal power cord, which activates the closing mechanism is placed outside along the rigid PVC body, eliminating the risk of sample contamination. Also, with this arrangement, the power cord can be easily inspected and replaced when becomes weak after a period of time. All the other characteristics of this type of sampler remain unaltered.
The simplicity of this improved water sampler, easy to operate and very cost effective, makes it attractive.
Model 114
The C-Free Chamber Water Sampler is a nonmetallic, sturdy body construction made of grey PVC. This product provides the same basic performance as the Niskin type water sampler. Additionally, its internal chamber is free of any source of contamination. The closing mechanism is of a ball-valve type activated by an external power cord. The effectiveness of the seal is ensured continuously even in the event the power cord becomes weak or damaged. Also, this arrangement ensures a very reliable seal, eliminating any leakage caused by accidental bumping or shaking of the sampler during recovery.
During deployment the sampler has both ends open allowing for free-flushing for accurate layer sampling. The absence of an internal source of contamination allows for storing the sample inside the sampler for an extended period of time before being drained.
A pressure release valve can be added for close-open-close deployment. This feature prevents contamination from the surface layer of water. Deployed in closed position, it opens at 30 feet under the water, activated by the pressure release valve then closed by other means at the desired depth. They have the same basic overall dimensions of Standard models at comparison capacity.
Water SamplerC-Free Model 1303 Liter
A spine assembly and a front bracket sustain two ball-valve closure mechanisms at both ends of the sampler. The ball valve arrangement allows for a sequential close-open-close deployment. A pair of pivoting wings attached to the spine sustains and protects a polyethylene bag. The bag’s open ends are attached to the ball-valve closure mechanism housings. A pressure release valve which controls the closure mechanics is securely attached to the front bracket. The drain valve is directly attached to the front bracket. It activates them at 10 feet under the water surface. The drain valve is directly attached to the very lower section of the bag.