RJE International

Pingers / Transponders

RJE’s cost-effective acoustic beacons/transponders are available in a wide variety of options to meet any requirement. With different frequencies, activation methods, battery life options, and more, our products offer solutions for any marking and relocation situation.

Our acoustic beacons/transponders are used for underwater marking and locating equipment and diver positioning from the surface or operated by a diver, and our receivers/interrogators can be mounted on subsea vehicles, used from the surface, or operated by a diver.

RJE International specializes in customization, and we can create a pinger/transponder for any specific task. If you need an emergency location beacon for your subsea vehicle or towfish, marking equipment moorings, or track divers during training, RJE has the equipment you need.

For more information, please contact us at (858) 454-4044 or brock@o-vations.com.

Call us

(858) 454-4044


7416 Cabrillo Avenue, La Jolla, CA  92037, United States