
Positioning & Data Transfer

MicronNav 200

The MicronNav 200 system is the latest generation of Ultra Short Base Line (USBL) positioning system from Tritech. The system is designed for small vehicles and diver supporting applications.


Micron Battery Modem

The MicronBattery Modem provides a reliable data link for through-water communications where there are limitations on space and/or power, without the need for an external power source.


Micron Modem

The MicronModem is an exciting development in the field of through-water communications; providing a robust spread spectrum data transmission from an extremely compact unit.


Intelligent Fibre-Optic Gyro (iFG)

The Tritech iFG (Intelligent Fibre-Optic Gyro) provides additional heading stability when combined with the Tritech Intelligent Gyro Compass (iGC), or other heading and motion reference units (MRUs).


Intelligent Gyro Compass (iGC)

The Tritech Intelligent Gyro Compass (iGC) combines three angular rate gyros with three orthogonal DC accelerometers and three orthogonal magnetometers. This makes the iGC an invaluable heading sensor and motion reference unit (MRU) for numerous ROVs.


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(858) 454-4044


7416 Cabrillo Avenue, La Jolla, CA  92037, United States