DeepSea Power & Light


Pingers / Transponders

Pingers / Transponders

acousticpingersRJERJE internationaltransponder

Our acoustic beacons/transponders mark and relocate equipment and locations underwater used from the surface, or operated by a diver.
Acoustic Receivers / Interrogators

Acoustic Receivers / Interrogators

acousticinterrogatorsreceiversRJERJE international

RJE’s receivers/interrogators can be mounted on subsea vehicles, used from the surface, or operated by a diver.
Diver-held Sonar / Scan Systems

Diver-held Sonar / Scan Systems

RJERJE internationalscan systemssonar

Professional and recreational divers worldwide trust RJE’s line of diver navigation boards for accurate dead reckoning navigation.
Diver Navigation Platforms

Diver Navigation Platforms

diver navigationRJERJE international

Professional grade diver sonar and visual sonar used to locate small objects, EOD or search and rescue missions.
Small Boat Navigation

Small Boat Navigation

diver navigationnavigationRJERJE internationalsmall boat navigation

Rugged navigation consoles to CRRC operations and navigation of small inflatable boats.

Call us

(858) 454-4044


7416 Cabrillo Avenue, La Jolla, CA  92037, United States