
Sub-Bottom Profiler

The SeaKing Parametric Sub Bottom Profiler allows you to obtain a clear picture of what lies below the seabed and this compact, low power unit, ideal for ROV and AUV use. The Sub Bottom Profiler is available in its standard set up and also as a split-head version.


Energy Defense Survey & Hydrographic

An innovative multi-element composite transducer array enables the echosounder to emit very low frequencies whilst minimising the size of the overall unit. Producing a 10kHz to 30kHz pulse, the parametric sub bottom Profiler is capable of penetrating the seabed and highlighting seismic structural differences and layers that are hidden from view to conventional echosounders.

As part of Tritech’s SeaKing range of sonars, sensors it is possible to run the SeaKing SBP with other SeaKing sensors over one communication link. All products in the SeaKing family (or third-party products within the ARCNET communications link), can be run simultaneously, using the same processor and display; such as the Surface Control Unit (SCU) or a customer supplied PC or laptop.

The Parametric Sub Bottom Profiler display allows the operator to view the raw 200kHz seabed profile, as well as the 10-30kHz sub bottom layers produced by the parametric pulse.

The Split Head Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler is an example of how Tritech can customise a standard product to meet a specific customer requirement.

The profiler provides the same functionality, capabilities and performance as the standard field-proven Tritech SeaKing Sub-Bottom Profiling Sonar (SBP), but with the added flexibility of being able to mount the transducer and electronics housing separately, per the needs of a specific underwater vehicle configuration.


Manuals, Datasheets, Software, etc.

SeaKing Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler (PDF 184 KB)
SeaKing Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler – Split Head (PDF 2 MB)


Seanet Pro v2.25 (591) For PC/Laptop (ZIP 54 MB)


ARCNET & Serial Communication Settings (PDF 2 MB)
Product Guide 2023 (PDF 3 MB)


SeaKing Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler (Split Head) (PDF 819 KB)

STEP Files

SeaKing Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler – p/n S07233 (ZIP 535 KB)
SeaKing Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler – Split Head (ZIP 1 MB)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between the Gemini 720ik and the Gemini 1200ik?
 The Gemini 1200ik is a dual-frequency version of the Gemini 720ik. The operating frequencies are 720kHz and 1200kHz for close inspection.
2. Where can I find the calibration frequency for Tritech products?
Contact us for calibration frequency guidance document.

Alternatively, the document can be accessed here: Calibration Frequency Guidance

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(858) 454-4044


7416 Cabrillo Avenue, La Jolla, CA  92037, United States